ASPM Data Download: CountOps Flights

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The CountOps Flights report of Data Download is designed to provide ...

For information about how to create a CountOps Flights report, see the ASPM Data Download Manual.

Field definitions are available in ASPM Data Download: Definitions of Variables.

The CountOps Flights report contains the following variables:

  • LOCID. Facility ID.
  • YYYYMMDD. Local date format.
  • HHMM. Hour and minute: leading 0's are omitted so "0001"="1".
  • CALLSIGN. Aircraft Callsign. If the controller changes the callsign at any point during the flight, all records will be updated with the new callsign.
  • TRACON. Assigned TRACON to the LOCID.
  • CATEGORY. Aircraft Category: 1=Air Carrier, 2=Air Taxi, 3=General Aviation, 4=Military.
  • TYPE. Aircraft Equipment Type as entered (up to 4 digits).
  • RULES. Flight Rules. IFR, VFR, VPA (VFR Practice Approach), IPA (IFR practice approach).
  • BCN. Transponder code (for example, 2440, 3121, 6272, etc.).
  • SCR1. Scratchpad 1. Data entered by a TRACON controller in scratchpad 1 sent to the controller in the Tower for information, such as information about the approach runway to use or the type of descent. This is a free-form field and has no requirements.
  • SCR2. Scratchpad 2. Data entered by a TRACON controller in scratchpad 2 sent to the controller in the Tower for information, such as information about the approach runway to use or the type of descent. This is a free-form field and has no requirements. Overflow field of Scr1.
  • ADE. Flight Phase. A = Arrival, D = Departure, E = Enroute.
  • TWR. Tower classification. Data is entered here if aircraft was counted for tower. Legend: A = IFR itinerant, C = VFR itinerant, E = local count (not implemented), F = IFR overflight, G = VFR overflight.
  • RDR. TRACON classification. Data is entered here if aircraft was counted for TRACON. The presence of a character here is enough to glean the count without the entire legend. If an entry exists here, it's recommended to look at the "Rules", "Apt", and "ADE" columns to determine how there aircraft was counted for OPSNET Totals. A: IFR Itinerant Primary; B: IFR Itinerant landing at a hub airport more than 15 miles from another hub airport (subset of IFR Itinerant Primary), used for consolidated TRACONs only (N90, NCT, PCT, and SCT); C: IFR Itinerant Secondary - airport < 15 miles from the primary or hub; E: IFR Itinerant Secondary - airport >= 15 miles from the primary or hub; G: VFR Itinerant Primary; H: VFR Itinerant landing at a hub airport more than 15 miles from another hub airport (subset of VFR Itinerant Primary), used for consolidated TRACONs only (N90, NCT, PCT, and SCT); I: VFR Itinerant Secondary - airport < 15 miles from the primary or hub.K: VFR Itinerant Secondary - airport >= 15 miles from the primary or hub.M: IFR OverflightO: VFR Overflight.
  • ENTRY. Entry fix. Entry fix received from NAS fix pairs. IFR departures will contain the departure airport. Rest of data is simply names agreed to between the ARTCC and TRACON so is not much use.
  • HEADING. Heading: True heading of aircraft at time of message.
  • RY. Runway. Runway used for arrival or departure (if adapted).
  • WC. Weight class, as received from NOP.
  • S1. Special designator 1. Data entered by controller in TRACON or ARTCC and passed to the controller in the Tower. B: RNAV/Heavy, C: Center, E: Enroute, F: B757, H: Heavy, J: Jumbo, L: RNAV/B757, M: RNAV/Jumbo, P: VFR, R: RNAV, V: VFR.
  • S2. Special designator 2. Overflow of S1.
  • REPLACEMENT. Replacement Flight. "1" indicates that this record was estimated to account for missing data; "0" indicates that it is actual data.

For information about other available reports in the Data Download module, see the Display section.